Saturday, August 28, 2010

No recipe, just blabber.

Ahh Windchimes. I haven't heard you in so long. It's slightly breezy out for the first time in a long while. Seriously! Triple digits all week, and the air doesn't move. Then I heard the chime just outside my window and it reminded me that there's less than a month til fall. I want autumn to be here so bad. Pirate Party, HALLOWEEN, Costumes, campy horror, wind and leaves! The Pecans in my backyard are almost ready to drop. I'll have to get to them before Bernie does. She eats them faster than they can fall. I don't blame her.

The green husks will dry up and open, and the pecan will fall to the ground. From there you set them out to dry in the sun a few days and roast or eat raw.

And this is Bernie. I always end up not fitting her tall ears in the photos!

I also had the urge to sketch out a design for a pirate ship cake... I really want to post a cake here, and Pirate Party is coming up mid-September. So anywho, we'll just see.

Oh and I made this for breakfast.

It's Garlic and butter crostini with hollandaise and green onion. It was rich and garlicky. The cold cantaloupe complimented it really well. I failed to plate the hollandaise immediately and therefore it looks overworked. It still tasted great though despite the texture being a bit off. I'm not here to be cocky folks. Not that anyone cares to read this! I kid. I read it.

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